I. Why did Europeans explore?
A. Marco Polo’s travels to China
B. Demand for goods from Asia
C. Competition with other countries for trade ($)
II. Columbus “discovers” America
A. Columbus was inspired by Marco Polo
B. Spain was in competition with Portugal, which discover the route to Asia (they sailed around the coast of Africa to India)
C. Portugal began the African slave trade in 1400’s
D. Columbus was looking for a faster route to India
E. Columbus represented Spain (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella)
F. “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”
G. Three ships – The Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria
H. Columbus called the people he found “Indians”
I. Columbus’ voyages led to the Spanish Empire
Reasons for European Exploration
~ Spain ~
Political – Portugal had already become a major force in the sea trade
Economic – Any land found could make Spain very wealthy; avoid Arab merchants’ high prices
Social – After expelling the Muslims from their own country, Spain wanted to spread Christianity
III. The English and French come to America
A. England, France and other country ignore Spain and Portugal’s treaty
B. They were still looking for a route to Asia through America; the Northwest Passage
C. Both started colonies in America after failing to find a way through
Reasons for European Exploration
~ England and France ~
Political – England and France ignored Spain and Portugal’s claim to the New World
Economic – A new route to Asia would allow them to compete with Portugal in goods from Asia
Geographic – English and French explorers believed there was a route through North America to Asia (The Northwest Passage)
Social – England and France were both willing to start colonies in America
Timeline Items for the Era of European Exploration
Magna Carta (1215) – First document written by the people to limit a King’s power (King John of England); protected the rights of the people
• Stated that the king may not levy or collect any taxes without the consent of his royal council
• Inspired the colonists to later draft the U.S. Constitution
English Parliament (1265) – The legislature (government) in England; began as the King’s royal council established by the Magna Carta
• Formed the basis for our U.S. Congress
Christopher Columbus (1492) – An Italian explorer who was supported by Spain.
• He sailed West from Spain seeking a shorter route to India.
• He and his crew of about 90 sailors came on three ships – the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria – and landed in the Caribbean.
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