
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Class Notes August 29-September 2

Overview of the Major Eras (August 29th)


EraA period of time characterized by particular circumstances, events, or people
ChronologyThe science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time, such as the use of a timeline
Absolute ChronologyExact dates
Relative ChronologyEras or time periods

Major Eras

Era of European ExplorationWhy European countries (specifically England, France and Spain) sent explorers to the New World

Era of Colonial SettlementHow the 13 Colonies were formed and how the idea of Independence began

Revolutionary War EraHow we gained our independence from the British and who helped us get it

New Republic EraHow we set up our government based on compromise and the one thing we couldn’t compromise on

Era of Westward ExpansionHow the United States as we know it today came to be

Civil War and Reconstruction EraHow the country tore itself apart over slavery and states’ rights and how it got put back together

Era of European Exploration (August 30-31)


Explorationsearching for the purpose of discovery
Chartera document that gives the holder the right to organize settlements
ColonizeTo form or establish a colony or colonies

Timeline Items

(1215) Magna CartaInfluenced both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and guaranteed the people three things:
 -- Trial by Jury
 -- Due Process
 -- Limited Government

(1265) English Parliament – English government

(1492) Columbus reaches the New World – Columbus discovers the New World while searching for a faster route to Asia

  1. Why did Europeans explore?
A.  Marco Polo’s travels to China
B.  Demand for goods from Asia (spices)
C.  Competition with other countries for trade ($)

  1. Columbus “discovers” America
A.  Columbus was inspired by Marco Polo
B.  Spain was in competition with Portugal
C.  Portugal began the African slave trade in 1400’s
D. Columbus was looking for a faster route to India
E. Columbus represented Spain

Era of Colonial Settlement (September 1-2)

Representative Government government founded on elected individuals representing the people

Indentured Servant a person who came to America and was placed under contract to work, usually for seven years

 Timeline Items

(1607) Jamestown Colony the first permanent English colony in the Americas

(1619) First Africans arrive in America the first Africans were not slaves; they were indentured servants

(1619) Virginia House of Burgesses – the first example of representative government in America

(1620) Mayflower Compact – established self-government and majority rule (signed by all the men)

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